

TAMIR is an actress, poet and playwright, author and performer of three one-woman shows In the Land of Israel and I Belong Elsewhere. Her CD of devotional readings Poetry on Prayer is an interfaith celebration of the human spirit. Some of her roles are: Maria Callas, Medea, Bernarda Alba and Leah in the Dybbuk. Her new play Next! is a humorous and poignant monodrama about the audition process. She also wrote The Way of the Heart as a play for four women about dying consciously and the struggle of letting go, which incorporates some of these verses, stories and music as well as dance and whirling.

Amir Vahab

Amir is a widely acclaimed and accomplished Iranian musician and composer. He plays tanbur, setar, tar, ney and daf and sings in the traditional Persian style. He composed music for theatre and film and appeared in Iranian television and radio in the US. He formed the Soroosh (Messenger Angel) Ensemble, which performs folklore music of Iran and draws from Kurdish, Turkish and Lurish traditions and mystical Sufi music. He has six albums for many of which he is the composer, singer and player. His aim is to draw the listener’s attention to the spiritual dimension of existence.

Andrew Vidich, Ph.D.

Andrew Vidich, Ph.D., is an award winning author and transformational speaker on meditation, mysticism and leadership. He authored five books on modern mysticism and healing, among them: Love Is A Secret and Light Upon Light. He co-authored Let There Be Light, with Dr. Art Stein, exploring Light in all traditions

He taught religion at Iona College, co-created and facilitated New York Open Center’s training in Meditation and Contemplative Studies Institute. He is co-founder of the New York Interfaith Council, Board of Advisors member for the Temple of Understanding a global interfaith organization and a member of the World Parliament of Religion’s Task Force on War, Violence and Hate Speech.

Translations, courtesy and permission of: Coleman Barks: “Night & Sleep”; “The Glance”; “The Essential Rumi”; “The Illuminated Rumi”; “Open Secret.” Shahram Shiva, “Thief of Sleep” Hohm Press.

CD Cover portrait of Rumi by Rassouli

Image of Ruins and Sand: Michael Green, The Illuminated Rumi

Web Design: Katie McKellick,


Produced by Amrit Productions