
The poetry of Rumi is full of longing for the Divine, Love is the beginning and the end; The Ney (bamboo flute) yearns for the reed bed.

Story: first meeting between Rumi and Shams and his mystical transformation. The poetry invites us to look within for the gem of spirituality.

In the game of love we must gamble. The innate paradox is that by losing it all we win everything.
Stories: Shams/ Rumi play chess; Nassrudin & horse.

In the way of the heart we need an all-consuming passion, because God’s price is our bottomless desire, but who is ready to wake up to this?

The soul is set ablaze with intoxicating bliss.
Stories: Grammarian and the Boatman; Moses and the Shepherd.

The experience of Divine Presence is fleeting at first. The lover is not yet perfected and therefore feels escalating pangs of separation.
Stories: Sheikh Ahmad the debtor; Policeman and the Sufi.

Our destiny comes into view when we remember God with each breath.

Who is the seer, who is seen? When all of one’s being and understanding is tuned to the mystical place of union then there is perfect transparency.

Only through total giving and sacrifice is one transformed, a stage where the self expands to include all humanity.
Story: The Chickpea.

When we surrender and open our hearts to the Divine we rise to our true greatness.

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